How to Install and Use a Non-Invasive Water Meter

smart water meter bluebot

Installing and using a non-invasive water meter like bluebot is a straightforward process that provides valuable insights into your water usage. Simply clamp bluebot onto your water line, connect it to power, and access real-time data through the user-friendly app. No need for complex installations or disruptions to your plumbing system. With bluebot, you can effortlessly track your water consumption, detect leaks, and make informed decisions to conserve water and reduce costs. Experience the convenience and accuracy of bluebot’s non-invasive water meter and take control of your water usage today.

How Utility Providers Can Adapt for Extreme Droughts

Drought situations continue in most of the country, and water utility companies have to react to encourage conservation and keep taps flowing. There are measures that can help consumers feel more in control of their water use and make better decisions that ultimately impact us all.

How to Prevent Water Leaks and Maximize Leak Protection

There are ways to minimize the chance of home water leaks. One of the best ways is to purchase a smart home water meter. Our bluebot home water meter gives you real-time data about your water use through an app for your smart phone.

How a Smart Water Meter Can Lower Your Monthly Water Bill

The bluebot smart home water meter offer easier readings and a better way to monitor and track your water consumption. You can quickly create custom alerts, share with family and friends, and gain a total understanding of your water usage from anywhere in the world straight from your phone.

Why Every Home Needs a Water Leak Detector

bluebot is the only smart home water meter that provides truly real-time access to your water data, allows you to customize your leak detection alerts, share with friends, family, tenants, and helpers to build a water savings team

Winter is coming – Monitor your water

Don’t let winter water worries freeze you up. With bluebot, you can maintain total control and visibility over your water usage, ensuring frozen pipes, bursts, and guests leaving fixtures running are a thing of the past. Stay ahead of potential issues and take charge of your water management with bluebot. Keep your home protected and your water flowing smoothly all winter long.

Apartment Water Submetering Made Easy With bluebot

Discover Easy Apartment Sub Metering with bluebot. Our innovative solution simplifies the process of monitoring water usage in apartment complexes, allowing for accurate and individualized billing. Say goodbye to shared utility costs and gain control over your water consumption. With bluebot, tracking and managing water usage in each apartment unit has never been easier. Take the first step towards fair and efficient sub metering with bluebot today.

Easy Smart Home Introduction | 2021 Gadget Gift Guide

Introducing Smart Home Introductory Products: The Must-Have Gadgets of 2021. Explore our curated selection of innovative smart home devices that make life easier and more convenient. Stay ahead of the tech curve and find the perfect smart home product for yourself or as a gift. Upgrade your home, simplify your life, and embrace the future of technology with our top picks for 2021.

Explore how the bluebot smart water meter works for you

The bluebot Smart Water Meter: Simplifying Water Monitoring for You. Discover how bluebot’s innovative technology revolutionizes water management. With easy installation and real-time data tracking, our smart water meter empowers you to monitor your water usage efficiently. Say goodbye to high bills and water waste. Take control of your water consumption and start saving today with bluebot.